Ziua Roşie

  • The white of the snowdrops,
    The blue of the sky and the waters,
    The yellow of the ripe fields,
    The red of the night’s stars
    The green of the earth
    I’ve bound them into one word: PEACE.

  •                                    Dragi copii din Bulgaria,
Aş vrea să vă trimit un mesaj despre România mea. Ea este frumoasă, cu munţi verzi, flori parfumate şi cu o privelişte superbă. Şcolile de aici sunt curate, iar atunci când intri în clase, miroase a cerneală proaspătă. Spre deosebire de voi, noi scriem cu altfel de litere. Nouă ne-ar plăcea să vizităm Bulgaria. Cred că şi acolo e la fel de frumos ca în România. Şi voi, ca şi noi, ne iubim ţara nespus de mult. (Alexandra)
  • We are very glad to take part in this project, to discover more and more details about other cultures, habits and daily activities. My favorite holiday is EASTER because I enjoy painting eggs in different colors and shapes. (Bianca)                                                                                                            
  • Never forget that friendship is more important than any diamond! (Gabriela)
  • Let’s rise up our hands against the wars, poor and thief. We can bring spring in every kid’s heart. (Loredana)
  • Salut, copiii din Franţa. Eu va transmit sănătate, bucurie şi note bune. (Iuliana) 
  • In my school the students want to learn more and more. We want to meet with all the children from Europe, for knowing more about the habits and the cultures of all the European kids. (Razvan)
  • Best friends are parents! They will benefit you at all times. (Gabriela)                                                                                           
  • Cred că locul nostru, al tuturor românilor, este în această familie a Europei. Avem cu ce ne mândri,  zestrea românilor este bogată. România a fost întotdeauna parte a Europei! Şi noi, dar şi europenii, mai avem multe de învăţat.  Să sperăm că o vom face împreună! Love Europe! (Denisa)
  • Our students are good hosts, so we invite you to meet and know us as well as possible and show you our Romanian traditions. (Laura)
  • Fiţi iertători, buni şi veţi fi răsplătiţi! (Gabriela) 
  • I have been learning English since I was a little boy. Now, I’m very happy because it’s the first time when I can speak with students from different countries. First of all I want to inform you that I learn in a beautiful school with great teachers. (Alexandru)

  • Învăţătura îţi este de mare ajutor în viaţă!  (Gabriela)
  • I’m in the seventh form at School No 7 from Petrosani. I would want to speak about our town. Even if it’s a small one, I enjoy living in it because it’s clean, without pollution and there are a lot of happy kids. (Daniel)

  • We take part from the European Union. All the kids have the same dreams, wishes, hopes for a good life, for a better one. Let’s get together for a better world! (Larisa)

  • On Earth there are a lot of kids of many nationalities, religion, colors, but with the same rights. There are kids with problems of health; they need our support and help. I also have friends with another religion and they are the same like me, play same games. I also help the unknown children that I’ve never met before. My best friend Elena has medical problems with her leg but I help her lot a take care that nothing bad will happen to her. I wish that all children love each other, respect and understand well. (Elena)

  • Children can and have the will to share information about their country and themselves, but also, to learn new things about children from other countries. We, Romanian’s children are participating in projects about cultural knowledge and also welcome people from different places, with different customs for in the near future pupils can study in the common European space. This type of actions represents an important component of the permanent education necessity because both the pupils and the teachers gain new abilities for their personal and professional life. We dearly await you here, in Romania and we would be really happy if you will want to visit the General School No 7 from Petrosani. (Bianca)

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